Suburban Chicago Office Space: Tenant Improvements

Chicago suburb business owners who are looking for that ideal office space often find what they are looking for in an office setting. However, there are certain times when the suburban Chicago office space may not be exactly what the office space tenant needs in a commercial office.  Fortunately, landlords will usually allow specific tenant […]

Chicago Office Space: Green Costs and LEED Certification

In today’s society, individuals and companies are doing what they can to preserve the environment. Simple tasks such as recycling, conserving energy and using environmentally friendly cleaners are some examples of ways in which we are trying to preserve the environment for future generations. With that said, there are also larger ways in which environmental […]

Office Space: Now That The Lease Is Signed, What’s Next?

Okay, so you finally found the perfect Chicago commercial office space to rent. What to do now that the lease is signed.  The lease is signed and moving in the near future is inevitable. The best way to ensure that your commercial office space move goes as smoothly as possible is to have a to-do […]

Commerical Office Space Lease Rates and Escalations

When compared to residential real estate leases, commercial real estate leases take on a whole different form. Commercial office space leases are more involved than residential leases, in general. Whereas with  residential leases, there is usually a set lease amount which will not increase, commercial real estate differs in that these tenants will face rent […]

Commercial Real Estate

Business owners who wish to lease commercial real estate have plenty of choices these days. Since not all business owners require the same type of commercial real estate, it is good to know that there are various options available. Some individuals who own businesses do so in the retail industry whereas others work in a […]