Office Space: Now That The Lease Is Signed, What’s Next?

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Okay, so you finally found the perfect Chicago commercial office space to rent. What to do now that the lease is signed.  The lease is signed and moving in the near future is inevitable. The best way to ensure that your commercial office space move goes as smoothly as possible is to have a to-do list prepared prior to doing so. By having everything in writing, you know that the move will go according to plan and no stone will go unturned in the commercial office space move. The following offers a moving preparation list that you can consult and feel good knowing that your move will be a successful and uneventful one.

  • Prepare a Game Plan: Once the office space lease is signed and you know how much time you have prior to moving, the first step is to prepare a game plan. Write down what you will need to do and in what time period you will need to complete each task. Also, in addition to having a list of the pertinent items for the move, you should also have a calendar dedicated solely to your office space move as this will help you to keep things orderly.
  • Choose a Moving Company: The next thing to do once your office space lease is signed is to hire a moving company to move your belongings to your new commercial home. Contact various commercial office space movers, review their price listings and make sure that they are available on your desired move date. In addition, ask them if they offer boxes and, if so, whether that is included in the price of the move.
  • Create Communication Alternatives: When you are in the moving process, it is not always possible or wise to cease business operations during that time. Since you will have to cut off communications in some ways when you are in the move process, make sure that you have alternate communication options available for your clients, such as providing them with cell phone numbers or email addresses which they can use to contact you when needed.
  • Contact Utility Companies: You must also remember to contact both current utility companies and future utility companies to let them know of your impending move. Keep in mind you may be able to keep the same providers and even the same phone numbers if you are moving in the same general location.
  • Pack Up Current Office in A Convenient Manner: When it is a few days prior to your move, you have to start packing up your current office space to prepare for the mover’s arrival. Make sure that everything is labeled and orderly so that you can unpack the items in an orderly fashion when you arrive to your new office space.
  • Enlist the Help Of Your Employees: It is also a good idea to enlist the help of your employees. Have them pack up their individual office space and keep their boxes in their rooms until the movers arrive. This too will help with the overall efficiency of the move.
  • Moving Day: When moving day arrives, you will have already decided whether or not all employees should be there on that day or just essential employees who will be able to help with the move but not be too great in number that they get in the way. Make sure there are supervisors present to direct the movers at the new location and let them know what items go where.

Moving day for your new office space doesn’t have to be difficult. Once you sign the office space lease, simply follow this list of tips and get ready to enjoy your new office space location.

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