Top 10 Mistakes Companies Make When Leasing Office Space

Leasing commercial office space is a wise move for business owners to make.  With that said, there are certain times when the company leasing the office space makes an error when it comes to leasing an office building or office space.  Here are the top 10 mistakes which companies make when leasing office space:

Leasing Office Space Which Is Too Small

One big mistake which some companies make when they lease office space is to choose an office which is too small to accommodate their business and employees.  It is extremely important to consider how large of an office you need to lease and stick with that figure when looking at and ultimately leasing offices.

Leasing an Office That Is Too Big

It is also not advisable to lease an office which is too big for your company.  Leasing an overly large office space can be a costly mistake.  Not only will your company pay more for the rent but it will also cost more with regard to the utilities being paid on a monthly basis.  An office space which is too large can be burdensome to the business owner and the employees.

Obtaining an Office Lease Which Is Outside of Their Financial Means

It is easy at times to get off track and become smitten with an office space which is simply not within the financial means of the company.  This can be a costly error and put the business owner in a financial crunch when it comes time for the monthly commercial lease payments.  Always know what is within your budget and what isn’t when shopping around for an office space to lease.

Choosing an Office Space That Is In an Inconvenient Location

Business owners who lease office space should always choose an office which is in a convenient location.  This relates not only to public transportation but also relates to the surrounding businesses and population.  The office space for lease should be close to other commercial businesses and be in a spot which is sure to attract the usual clients in addition to those who simply are in the neighborhood and happen across the business.

Not Choosing the Office with the Right Amenities

Another mistake which companies sometimes make regarding the leasing of office space is to choose an office which does not have the right amenities.  For example, a business that has 50+ employees should not choose an office space location where there is only one bathroom.  Looking into the amenities before leasing an office is important to ensure that the office space has all the right amenities included.

Obtaining an Office Lease That Is Restrictive In Its Terms

Commercial leases have a tendency to be strict in some of their terms.  However, companies will often find that some office space leases are more restrictive than other ones are.  Always review the lease thoroughly to make sure that you are agreeable to all of the terms in the lease as once you sign it you are bound by the terms and must adhere to them throughout the duration of the lease.

Choosing an Office Space Too Quickly

Some companies may jump into leasing office space too quickly.  The business owner may think that the office space may get leased to another or they may be so eager to find an office location that they sign the lease and find out later that it may not be the best choice.  Therefore, it is important to shop around and not jump into leasing office space without thinking it through and making sure that the office space chosen is the best of the bunch.

Selecting an Office to Lease Where Parking Is Not Readily Available

An additional mistake which companies may make when leasing commercial office space is to choose one where parking is not readily available.  Although this is not a deal breaker for all companies by any means, it can be a bit cumbersome for those companies which see a lot of customer traffic and need ample parking for their customers.

Choosing an Office to Lease That Is Non-Conforming with One’s Business

It is important to make sure that the office space a company chooses to lease will be conforming to their business.  Some companies may choose a business location which is not suitable for their business and find themselves in a tough spot when they move in and acknowledge this fact too late.

Not Reading the Fine Print on the Office Space Lease

Lastly, company officials and business owners can make the mistake of not reading the fine print on their commercial office space lease.  There may be certain terms which restrict their business in some way and make the leased premises less than perfect for the needs of the company.

By having an idea as to the top 10 mistakes which companies make when leasing office space, business owners can make sure that when the time comes to lease commercial office space they take all measures necessary to avoid making these mistakes in their next business leasing transaction.

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