Feng Shui Your Office Space

Feng shui is the ancient Chinese way of arranging items in your life to promote positivity and good energy. When incorporating feng shui into your life, it is important to understand the basics of obtaining a positive feeling and motivational energy in the workplace. Here are a few tips when setting up your office space.

  • Clutter Free Feeling – When designing your office space, consider designing the desks to hold multiple organization units, such as filing space or an area for multiple binders or other organization systems. Keeping the office clutter-free is the first step to improving overall positive energy and productivity within your office.
  • Placement Screams Potential – Placement of your desks within the office is one of the most important aspects to positive feng shui within your space. This would include having your employees all face the door at an angle or from the side. Moving the desks to this placement will promote positive energy as a client walks in the door and makes the employees feel included when anyone enters the building, as you would if a person enters your home. It would give you the opportunity to welcome them, as well as control the situation at hand. Thus, making your employees feel powerful within their space.

When designing your office space keep some of these factors in mind to promote a positive energy for all who enter your work space. Looking for office space in Chicago? Check out TenantAdvisors.com, today, to learn more and look at local listings.

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