Office Space

Tenant Improvement Allowance For Your New Office Space Lease

Office Space

As a commercial business tenant there are plenty of details to iron out, even before you move into your new office space. Once you have narrowed down the choices to a particular office space and walked through the building to make sure that everything is to your liking, the next step prior to signing the lease is to see what, if any, tenant improvements you will be making to the premises once you get in there. Before you sign the lease, you must negotiate a tenant improvement allowance with the landlord. You will often find that the landlord will not freely agree to any amount you want for tenant improvements and you will most likely have to negotiate. The following will show you how to do so with the greatest rate of success.

Identify and Properly Document Requested Tenant Improvements

When you go through the commercial office space prior to signing the lease, write down what tenant improvements you will be making and what you would like the landlord to cover as a tenant improvement allowance. In addition, take pictures of the items to show the landlord as this will help to support your case that such tenant improvements are needed. Make sure you have the photos and written notes on the items when you meet with your landlord.

Prepare Price Quotes for Each Tenant Improvement

Before meeting with your landlord about these tenant improvements, go online or to home improvement stores to figure out what each item would cost. If the tenant improvements are more voluminous in nature, you can contact contractors to see what they would charge for the requested improvements. As with the photos/written notes on the tenant improvements, you should also make sure you have these figures with you when meeting with the landlord to discuss your requests.

Consult With Your Tenant Representative throughout the Process

You should also have a tenant representative by your side when leasing office space. This individual will come in extremely handy during this type of office space lease negotiation process. The tenant representative will know the best ways to help you get what you want out of the tenant improvement allowance.

Be Prepared To Compromise If You Really Want the Office Space

In the end, if you want this particular office space and the landlord is not willing to yield on all of your tenant improvement allowance requests, try to be willing to compromise. This will get you a few of the requested tenant improvements and still allow you to lease your desired office space as well.

Not every office space for lease will be in tip-top shape the moment you lease it. There may be a need for improvements in order to ensure that it is exactly how you want it to be. Many office space tenants are willing to lease a less than perfect office but acquire tenant improvement allowances from the landlord so that the finished product is what they envisioned in the first place. Again, not every landlord will be willing to accommodate completely but by following the tips listed above, you will be more than likely to get the results you want from your prospective landlord.

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How To Choose A Commercial Office Space Tenant Representative

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As a business owner searching for a commercial lease for your company, you have to make sure you take every safeguard possible in the leasing journey. You want to choose a commercial office building which meets your needs and get a lease on the property which benefits you as the tenant. Although you can embark on the search alone, it is much better to do so with a commercial tenant representative by your side. The following will highlight how to choose a commercial tenant representative to help you in your search.

Review Your Options Before Settling On a Specific Tenant Representative

The first thing you need to know is never pick the first tenant representative who comes along. There are plenty of options when it comes to this type of professional. Even if you narrow it down to a single tenant representation firm, you want to have a few options in front of you prior to picking the tenant representative who will represent your commercial leasing interests.

Choose a Commercial Tenant Representative Who Will Listen To What You Want

Although you want your tenant representative to be a go-getter, you also want your commercial tenant representation professional to listen to what you are saying. If you have a certain commercial office setting in mind to lease, you want your tenant representative to hear what you want and apply it in the search for the ideal office space to lease. You can usually get a good feel for this aspect in the initial meeting with prospective tenant representatives. If you feel as if these individuals are listening to what you want in an office space lease and are going to help you get that type of commercial office space to rent, then rest assured that this is an individual who will take your ideas and run with them.

Find a Tenant Representation Professional Who Knows the Target Area Well

You should also pick a tenant representation professional who knows the desired office space lease area well. The commercial tenant representative should know the target area so well that they will be able to take you around to the various options quickly, efficiently and with ease. Also, when your tenant representative is familiar with the desired locale, chances are that they will know what is common in that area with regard to lease terms, pricing and landlord requirements. When your tenant professional knows the surrounding vicinity, you can feel confident that they will steer you in the right direction and help you to find the perfect commercial office space to lease in a stress-free manner.

Searching for a commercial office space to lease with a commercial tenant representative by your side simply makes sense. This professional knows how to direct you to the right potential leasing options, help you find the perfect office space to rent and make sure that your lease terms are acceptable to you. When you have a commercial tenant representative help you out with locating commercial real estate to lease, you can have the confidence in knowing that you are in good hands the entire way through the leasing process.

Lease Chicago Office Space in the Naperville Area

Naperville is a city located a little less than 30 miles away from downtown Chicago. This location enables Naperville to be a quaint suburban location without putting it too far away from the excitement of the city. Although it is a suburban town, don’t think that Naperville doesn’t offer every possible amenity and benefit possible to large and small business owners alike. When business owners choose Naperville commercial real estate to lease, these individuals are gaining access to a wide array of amenities, leasing options and large customer base.

The Location Is Perfection

One of the main reasons to choose Naperville for a location to lease commercial real estate relates to the location. Located west of Chicago, Naperville sits outside of the main traffic routes to and from Chicago but still maintains a reasonable distance to these avenues of transportation. Whether you hop onto Route 59 to get around town or make a short trip to the major interstates such as I-88 or I-355, you can get where you need to go quickly. This makes it easy for your clients to reach your Naperville office space as well as employees coming in to work from outside of Naperville. When you choose Naperville commercial real estate, your clients, employees and you as well will find that reaching the office is a cinch.

Lease Commercial Real Estate in Naperville and Enjoy a Wide Array of Commercial Neighbors

When you lease commercial real estate in Naperville, you will find that you are not alone in the commercial setting. Some other companies and corporations which buy or rent offices in Naperville include BP Amoco, Nicor Gas, ConAgra Foods, Kraft Foods and Lucent Technologies. Companies of all varieties find that the Naperville area suits their industrial and commercial needs perfectly. Regardless of whether you are a small professional LLC or a large corporate giant, Naperville has room for you and offers a number of excellent leasing options in the area.

Amenities Such As Shopping, Dining and Recreation Are All Over the Place in Naperville

Business owners who lease commercial real estate ultimately want a location where other things are readily accessible. With Naperville, this is an easily achievable goal. Employees want to work at a company where they can get out for a quick lunch break and clients like to do business with companies where they can visit the office and then head out to run other errands in an efficient manner. When you lease commercial real estate in Naperville, you will have plenty of these amenities nearby. If you lease an office on Route 59, you will find that Naperville Crossings will provide you with dining, shopping and entertainment options. For those in the downtown Naperville area, your customers are sure to love the free parking aspects of this area. If you choose that Ogden Avenue is the best spot to lease commercial real estate in Naperville, this area offers fast food restaurants, office supply stores, hotels and so much more. When all is said and done, no matter where you lease office space in Naperville, the amenities are sure to be right there when you need them.

Naperville commercial real estate is readily available for lease and with all of the reasons listed above, it is easy to see why you should choose Naperville commercial real estate to lease.

What You Must Know About Leasing Medical Office Space

Many medical professionals choose to lease rather than buy medical office space. Doing so allows the professional to ensure the spot is right for them and gives them access to medical office space without the hassle of a purchase. However, due to the type of office use, medical companies and corporations must know a few things prior to choosing office space to lease for medical purposes.

Find Out About Allowable Usage of the Leased Premises

Landlords may only allow certain activities to go on within the premises. Although your future landlord knows that you want to use it for a medical office, you must inquire about the finer details prior to leasing the office space. As you are a medical entity, you will be disposing of hazardous waste and perhaps using various x-ray machines to properly evaluate patients. You should provide this information to the prospective landlord and review the tentative lease thoroughly to ensure that all things related to your medical practice are ones which will be allowable under the lease agreement.

Issues Related to Hours of Operation

If you are going to operate a 24/7 urgent care facility, you want to ask the landlord if any special provisions will apply to you in this case. For example, utility issues may come into play for those tenants who need 24/7 access, especially if the landlord pays the utility bill. Always ask the landlord about this if you fall into this category and double-check the lease to see whether it speaks of this issue or not.

See What the Prospective Office Was Previously Used For

Since it is often timely and expensive to convert a once non-medical office building into a medical office, you want to inquire as to the previous use of all offices you are considering to lease. You will find that by leasing an office which was previously used in the medical profession as well will make the transition much easier on you and your staff. There will already be the necessary exam rooms, waiting areas, bathrooms and other necessities of the medical field. If you can lease an office space which was once a medical office, you are ten steps ahead in the game already.

Landlord’s Right to Inspect

A landlord has certain rights with regard to the premises, even when the tenant is in there. One is the right to inspect. This can present some issues for medical offices as there are patients coming and going and they have a right to privacy. Therefore, always ask the landlord when they can enter the premises and make sure they can do so without stepping on the privacy rights of others.

When you lease medical office space, there are often more issues involved than with a regular office space lease used for general office duties. Know that by asking questions related to hazardous waste containment/disposal, hours of operation issues and the landlord’s right to inspect along with making sure the office suits your medical office space needs, you will be sure to pick the right location for your medical office.

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Tenant Representation Commercial Office Space

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Commercial office space leasing is a highly sought after route these days for business owners, especially in the Chicago area. When company owners lease office space they are able to take advantage of various amenities and benefits which those who buy commercial real estate often go without. Before heading out on the search for the right office space to lease in the Chicago area, you simply must have tenant representation on your side. Tenant representation is when a tenant advisor or tenant representation firm guides the business owner tenant through the process and helps them with not only finding a commercial office to lease but also walks them through the leasing process to ensure that the tenant is well informed throughout the process.

Tenant Representatives Lead You in the Right Direction during Your Search

With the amount of commercial real estate options available these days, it is easy to stray off of the path and get lost in the options. With a tenant representation specialist by your side, you can be assured that you will stay on track until you locate the ideal office space to lease. Tenant representatives are well versed in this field and know how to take your helpful insight and what you want in a commercial office space lease and find that exact option for you.

The Help of a Tenant Representation Firm Makes Understanding the Process Easy

The commercial real estate leasing process is not always the easiest to understand. When you have a tenant representative by your side, any questions which you may have along the way will be answered. The tenant representative will walk you through the process and make sure that you get the commercial office space lease which will suit your business best.

Tenant Representatives Represent Tenants Only, Not Landlords

Another great thing about hiring a tenant representative to help you with the commercial office space leasing process is that these individuals represent tenants alone, never the landlords of the buildings. This ensures that your tenant advisor will have your best interests in mind the entire time. They are in the arrangement to help you to find the office space lease you need and get the best deal possible. Tenant representatives will be with you when you speak with the prospective landlords and make sure that at the end of the day, your best interests are served.

Going into the leasing process without a tenant representative by your side can be a troublesome event. When you lease commercial office space or start the search for an office to rent, you want to be well prepared. By having a tenant representative with you, the fact remains that you will be taken care of in your search for commercial real estate. Before you even start looking for properties, contact a tenant representation firm to see what services they offer. Your future tenant representative will guide you along the way and make sure that the future office space which you lease is one which you will be happy to have acquired.