Many people seek advice when they are up to undertake the next large endeavor in their business journey. For some, that large step may be securing a temporary, semi-permanent, or permanent brick and mortar location. Though many businesses have taken to the internet in order to reach a larger audience and circumvent the need for a space where they may have to pay significant rent, lease or purchase costs, there is still a large public demand for physical locations. Physical locations allow for face to face interactions, forging permanent customer relationships through great service and prompt problem resolution. The personal touch is often the best in business. And that’s we offer you as your Chicago tenant advisors – a professional and personal approach to ensure that you receive the level of advice and assistance you require to acquire your Chicago office space.

While we do encourage you to contact us directly for expert individualized consulting, we do have some general advice that anyone trying to come to an agreement on commercial real estate in Chicago can benefit from. One of the things tenants want to be leery of is entering a rental agreement. While such agreements may serve as passable quick fixes, they usually offer little to no security, and do not make for good long term solutions, especially if you have visions for your company well beyond a few months. We recommend contacting Chicago tenant advisors like ourselves, and pursuing leasing option agreements if longevity and security are important to you.

Think of Tenant Advisors as another member of your management and advisory staff. We help you make wise decisions with your most invaluable resources- your time and your money. We are aware that businesses, especially when starting out, may not always have the most time or money to invest in learning the ins and outs of leasing agreements and an office space in Chicago or the surrounding areas. Consider that last phrase another piece of advice from the Chicago tenant advisors. Look beyond the Chicago metropolitan area. There are plenty of surrounding villages that have great exposure for less cost. Don’t think you need to be on the Magnificent Mile to be magnificent! Call or contact online today to get your new lease on life for your business!