Chicago Office Space Lease Negotiations

Understanding Blend & Extend Leases 

Business owners who are searching for office space for rent have quite a few options available to them. Long-term leases, annual leases and month-to-month options are the most common types of leases. With that said, most leases are longer-term in the 3-7 year range, and they reflect the market conditions that were in effect at the start of the lease term. So, what happens when a company’s need for office space changes midway into its lease term? or what happens when market conditions change dramatically, but the company still has considerable time left in its lease term? Is he stuck? The short answer is: not necessarily. A relatively new type of lease has emerged which business owners have found to be advantageous to their leasing situation, and that is the blend and extend lease. These leases relate to tenants and landlords who are in a current lease relationship, and want to extend the lease for an additional term while in the midst of their current lease. When a blend and extend lease is initiated, the parties also get to alter the terms of the lease which is an additional benefit to such a lease. The following will highlight more information regarding the blend and extend office lease and cite the various pros and cons of such an office space rental agreement.

What You Should Know About a Blend and Extend Lease

The first thing which commercial property owners and renters need to know about is that there must currently be a lease in place between the landlord and business owner tenant. As the purpose of a blend and extend lease is to get an early renewal with lease term changes it goes without saying that there must be an active lease agreement at the time in which a blend and extend lease is discussed.

You should also be aware of why a blend and extend commercial property lease is desirable. Commercial office leases are often lengthy in duration and this makes altering terms more difficult as when compared to an annual lease. With that said, landlords do not like to take chances of having their office space be empty once their current tenant’s lease expires. With a blend and extend lease, tenants benefit by negotiating for a more favorable monthly rent and lease terms and landlords benefit by ensuring that their current tenant remains in the premises for years to come.

The Pros of a Blend and Extend Office Lease

There are many benefits on both sides of the lease relationship associated with an office space blend and extend lease. The landlord favors a blend and extend lease as it guarantees them that their office space will not be vacant for long periods of time. In today’s economy, office rental demand is on shaky ground as are many other business-related aspects and the landlord can have peace of mind knowing that its tenant will be in the office space for years to come. This will increase the chances that the landlord can cover the mortgage payment every month and not have to worry about paying a real estate agent to find replacement tenants for them.

For the tenant, a blend and extend lease works in their favor by providing them with the opportunity to renegotiate the lease terms and oftentimes renew the lease with a less expensive monthly rent. The rent is not the only thing which the tenant can renegotiate in a this kind of lease. Rental abatement, options to renew, expand or contract and office space improvements are also negotiable points in the new and revised lease.

The Cons of a Blend and Extend Commercial Office Space Lease

As with any negotiations, there may be some less than favorable aspects of a blend and extend lease. With regard to the landlord, although the blend and extend lease provides the landlord with a longer lease term in which the tenant is required to stay in the building, the landlord may have to accept a lower monthly rent payment as well as agree to office improvements and other concessions. As for the tenant, it may receive a more favorable monthly rent under the blend and extend lease, but it will be locked in to the office space for a longer period of time and not be able to move from the office should it desire to do so a few years down the road.

In The End A Blend and Extend Lease Is a Good Option

When all is said and done, a blend and extend lease can often be a good option for both landlord and tenant to consider. If the landlord/tenant relationship is a good one and the office building location works well for the tenant, then there really is no reason to ignore the blend and extend lease option. Even with the few potential negatives listed above, the pros often times outweigh the cons of this type of lease. A blend and extend office lease ensures that the office property remains rented and the tenant gets a better deal than it had previously. It is easy to see why blend and extend leases are becoming much more common in the commercial real estate market-place.

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