In Today’s Office Space, Are Cubicles Or Open Work Spaces A Good Move?

Office space setups vary greatly from office to office. Some office buildings are a large collection of cubicles amongst the various floors while other office buildings have primarily individual offices to accommodate the business professionals. For those offices where cubicles are a common sight, it may be in the commercial office space owner’s best interest to consider whether these seating areas are right for their employees.

Here are a few things to know about cubicles in today’s office space:

Distractions Are More Apparent With Cubicles

When you have a cubicle setup within the office, you’ll find that your employees tend to get distracted more easily. The constant foot traffic, conversations and office machinery noise will interrupt your employees in their daily work and make it less likely for them to concentrate. When you have individual office space and less cubicle-like structures throughout the office, you’ll find that your employees are more productive and happier while accomplishing their daily work.

Cramped Setups Often Cause Work Disruption

An employee who is comfortable at work is one who will get more done throughout the day, and do so with peace of mind. Cubicles often equate with cramped setups and leave your employees looking for extra room, not only for their belongings but to allow them to sit easily and comfortably. Consider taking down the confined walls of the cubicle or expanding the walls so that it is more like a single office space but not completely closed in like one. You’ll find that your employees work with greater ease, and a more positive attitude as well.

Cubicles Are Not The Best Health-Wise For Your Employees

Cubicles hinder mobility and, for this reason, may be one of a variety of contributing factors related to certain health conditions. Those who work in constricted spaces every day are less mobile, less active and may be more likely to be at risk of experiencing various health conditions, such as Type 2 diabetes, heart conditions and more. This sedentary work setup will make it easier for the employee to stay seated too long and not be as mobile as others who have their own office or are located in a more open setting where they are able to move around more often.

Making the Decision to Omit Cubicles

Many business owners like the aspect of cubicles because they allow the employer to fit a good amount of employees within the office space and provide each employee with a bit of their own private space, even though it’s not a completely closed-off office area. However, if possible, it may be wise to redesign the office in a cost-efficient manner to thereby eliminate the cubicles and produce a more employee-friendly setup.

Some employers may like to make all executive decisions without consulting their employees while others may be more open to employee input on office space layouts. If you fall within the latter category, provide your employees with a few possible office space layout options and ask them which office space layout works best for them and the reasons why this is so. By having this information, you may find that cubicles should be eliminated, or maintained, and know which layout will be best suitable for your employees and provide them with a seating area which allows them to be most productive and content.

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